Connect and Serve Together!

You also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:5)

We would love to have your full investment in everything God is doing in our church community! The various teams listed below are all amazing opportunities for you to join us in stewarding the Presence of God and serving others. If you sign up below, we will be in contact soon and get you connected!

Unsere Teams

This team will provide both simultaneous and on-stage translation as needed. We’d love to have you for either or both!

This group of people will host both people and the Holy Spirit! We want people to feel seen and honored from the parking lot until the end of the service. So this team will be welcoming visitors, helping people find seats, taking up the offering, and various other tasks throughout the morning.

During special events for our church and at local events, this team will help with preparing and serving food, cleaning, and other areas of hospitality.

Lights, sound, video, lyrics - our worship service only works because of this amazing team!

Facility Maintenance
This team keeps things around the building in working order!

Landscaping Maintenance
The grounds around our church are the first impression people have as they visit. This team will help make that first impression memorable!

This team will help keep our amazing building looking it’s best!

Kids Ministry
Our Kids Teams are providing a double blessing! They enable parents to have focused time during the Sunday service AND they are raising up the next generation of world-changers.

Youth Ministry
Tomorrow’s leaders are being shaped right now! This team is cultivating revival and family in our local teenagers.

